The Research Trust was formed in memory of Alison Clare Fracella, our beautiful, feisty and enigmatic daughter who sadly died after a year long battle against the most vicious form of tumour – Glioblastoma Multiforme. It was felt that information acquired along the way should be made available to others who may be unlucky enough to find themselves in a similar situation.
Objects of The Trust
The main objects of the trust are:-
To support research into the causation, nature and treatment of patients with Glioblastoma multiforme brain tumours and other forms of brain disease particularly in children and young adults worldwide
To include, where appropriate, analysis of clinical data and laboratory research and information concerning the detection, prevention, treatment and education of patients.
Our first Priority is to give accurate information on brain tumours, general practical considerations and where possible information covering the latest developments and clinical trials. The second priority is to find a suitable research project to support that is non commercial and within our remit.
To meet the first priority we are setting up this web site to disseminate information. It is hoped to develop the site further for the benefit of all. There are medical sections and plain English sections with what we hope will be useful general information.
The second priority is more difficult in that substantial sums of money are required for research and it will take some time to raise a significant useful sum. We have already made a modest sum of money available for some basic data information on brain tumours. Therefore your generous support is most welcome in assisting us to meet our aims.